Promo Codes
Promo codes are special discounts that you can apply to your order.
Here are some key points about our promo codes:
- One-Time Use: Promo codes can only be redeemed once per customer.
- Expiration: Promo codes usually expire after a certain period. Please check the details of your promo code for its validity period.
- Minimum Purchase Requirements: Some promo codes may require a minimum purchase amount to be valid.
- Exclusions: Certain products or categories may be excluded from promo code usage. Please check the terms and conditions.
- Single Use per Order: Only one promo code can be applied per order.
- Non-Transferable: Promo codes are non-transferable and can only be used by the person to whom they were issued.
- Non-Exchangeable for Cash: Promo codes cannot be exchanged for cash.
Gift Certificates
Gift certificates (or gift cards) are a great way to give the gift of choice.
Here are some important details about our gift certificates:
- Validity: Gift certificates never expire, ensuring that you can use them at any time.
- Redeemable Balance: The value of the gift certificate can be used for multiple purchases until the balance is fully used.
- Lost or Stolen: Lost or stolen gift certificates will not be replaced. Treat your gift certificate like cash.
- Non-Exchangeable for Cash: Gift certificates cannot be exchanged for cash.
Reedem Coupon
- Add your desired items to your shopping cart.
- Proceed to checkout.
- In the checkout window, you will find an input field labeled "Discount code".
- Enter the discount code of your coupon into this field and click "Apply".
Contact us
If you encounter any issues with redeeming your coupon, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service:
- Email:
- Phone: +49 89 416173787
Thank you for shopping at Little Greenhorn! We hope you have a great shopping experience.